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Language and Culture

Every year more than two million people take Italian language courses outside of Italy, in many countries around the world (about 113 countries according to the latest estimates). The number is probably much higher, as this statistic takes into account institutional learning contexts, those with higher visibility and easely available data, but not private sector contexts. Italian, the 21st most widely spoken language in the world, thus becomes the 4th most studied language in the world, and is rightly perceived as the language of choice for lovers of the arts – including the culinary arts -, music, architecture, fashion, and even, increasingly, science.

What motivates the study of the Italian language?

Italian is a language of culture: knowing it means having access to an artistic and literary heritage of fundamental importance for the history of Europe, to valuable humanistic and scientific texts, to Italian theatrical, musical, opera, film and television production.

Italian is a language of study: a large number of students – constantly increasing – decide every year to attend our Schools, our Universities, our Academies, our Libraries and all those centers of excellence that make Italy a renowned place of Knowledge. Moreover, with Italian, students can benefit from the educational offerings of the whole country, and thus are not limited only to universities that offer courses in English.

Italian is a working language: every year, thousands of entrepreneurs, managers, investors, professionals of all fields, workers and laborers come into contact with the Italian world of industry, crafts and services, as well as research (medical, pharmaceutical, aerospace, cutting-edge technologies and more) that extends beyond our country’s borders. Speaking the language will make a visit to our country and its hospitable people a real pleasure, among cities of art and wonders of nature.

Why choose the Italian Cultural Institute of Beirut to study Italian?

The Institute sets up its Italian courses in a way that leads students to develop and improve their proficiency in the four skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading), through activities and exercises designed to use Italian from the very first lesson. The methodology adopts the communicative approach, with the aim of providing students with the necessary tools and skills to succeed in communicating in real-life contexts.

Students choose to study Italian at the Italian Cultural Institute in Beirut because:

  • The IIC is the institutional body of the Italian State for the promotion of Italian language and culture.
  • The Italian language courses offered by the Institute are articulated according to the six levels of proficiency provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR);
  • In addition to in-person courses, the IIC also offers online courses throughout Lebanon.
  • Classes are taught by professionally qualified teachers, in small groups.
  • Students can benefit from various scholarships offered by private Italian institutions to attend short-term Italian language courses in Italy (if available);
  • Students have free access to borrowing and consulting materials in the Institute’s Library.
  • Students come into contact with a dynamic and culturally stimulating environment and receive information and invitations regarding the many cultural events organized by the Institute.
  • The Institute is an exam center for CILS- Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language, issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena and recognized internationally.

See the Language Courses page for more information about the courses offered by the IIC, and the Course Calendar page for the start dates of activated courses.