The Multidisciplinary Archaeological Project in Maasser el-Shouf – Qalaat el-Hosn (MeSAP), directed by Silvia Festuccia (University of Studies “Suor Orsola Benincasa”, Naples) and co-directed by Myriam Ziadé (General Directorate of Antiquities of Lebanon), aims to study the human occupation of the southern mountains of Lebanon from the Bronze Age to the Ottoman period through the systematic survey of the region.
The Higher Shouf area is particularly suitable for a multidisciplinary study, aimed at reconstructing the natural and anthropic landscape in antiquity, due to the large number of archaeological sites that are still only partially documented. The site of Qalaat el-Hosn (1200 m.), located about 1 km west of the village of Maasser el-Shouf, was chosen as a case study for the archaeological investigations, for the conservation activities and for the fruition project.
The first archaeological research in Qalaat el-Hosn, revealed the presence of a temple, of areas for stone extraction and numerous underground arcosolium tombs. The preliminary analysis of the structures and materials suggests that the most intense occupation of the site is attributable to the Roman period. Some fragments of pottery from the Late Bronze Age attest to the presence of a previous presence on the site.