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The Language and Translation Center of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Lebanese University organizes, in close collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Beirut, a training course entitled “The use of songs and ludic-cooperative language teaching in Italian as a F.L.”. The course is open for all Italian language teachers in Lebanon as well as aspiring teachers, as long as they have a C1 level of the CEFR.

The course is organized over three days, for a total of 18 hours, from the 12th to the 14th of July; it will be conducted by Professor Fabio Caon of the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice and by the professor Annalisa Brichese, an expert in teaching Italian as a F.L. at the Ca’ Foscari University. The initiative is co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Italy with the contribution of the Italian Cultural Institute of Beirut.

For info or to participate, download the or the form on the right.

  • Organized by: IIC - Università Libanese
  • In collaboration with: Università Ca' Foscari